Criminal Defense
Being the subject of a criminal investigation is an extremely stressful experience.
When looking for a criminal defense attorney, it is important that you choose someone who will fight for you. We are not afraid of taking cases to trial and we ensure that a thorough investigation is done while defending you. We spend countless hours reviewing our client's files, studying the evidence, and finding the best way to defend your Constitutional Rights.
We have extensive experience representing non-citizens and are well versed in what it takes to prevent any immigration consequences.
We have represented clients in almost every criminal charge imaginable -- from complex felonies to simple misdemeanors to DUIs -- and do not shy away from any type of case.
Assault Crimes
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting a Police Officer
Alcohol and Beverage Control Violations
Addiction/Substance Abuse
Attempted Murder
Auto Burglary
Brandishing a Weapon
Corporate Crime/Regulatory Offenses
Corporal Injury to Spouse
Criminal Appeals
Criminal Defense
Criminal Threats
Crisis Management
Domestic Violence
Domestic Battery
Drug Crimes
Drug Possession
Drug Possession for Sale
DUI Causing Injury
DUI Defense
Federal Crimes
Felony Hit and Run
Financial Crimes
Firearm Violations
Gang Enhancements
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft
Hit and Run
Human Trafficking
Insurance Fraud
Juvenile Crimes
Mayhem and Aggravated Mayhem
Medical Marijuana
Mental Health Diversion
Military Diversion
Petty Theft
Prescription Drug
Pre-Filing Representation
Probation Violations
Protesting Rights
Resisting Arrest
Restraining Orders
Sex Crimes
Theft Crimes
Violent Crimes